The Rebbe
Kaliv is the name of a small town in the North-Eastern part of Hungary, yet it is most famous as a Chasidic dynasty. According to a Chasidic tradition, the Baal Shem Tov (1698-1760) visited the town of Serentch, Hungary and blessed a childless couple that they would have a child. In 1751 a son was born to them, who would later grow up to be the Grand Rabbi Yitzchak Eizek Taub (1751-1821) Famous as renowned Torah Sage, Kabbalist, and miracle worker, he became the Chief Rabbi of Kalivin 1781, thus founding an illustrious Chasidic dynasty that flourishes to this very day.
Reb Eizekel as he was lovingly known, was the first to introduce Chasidism to Hungary, and his enormous impact on eastern-European Jewry is felt to this very day. His blessed memory is especially evoked in connection with old Yiddish-Hungarian language songs like “szól a kakas már”, and other Hungarian folk songs, that were sung by mothers to their children for generations. Rich stories are attached to the birth of all his songs. He purchased the melody to his final song from a shepherd. It’s words speak of longing for the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and the revelation of the glory of god once again. Maybe ask your grandparents about those songs…
The present Rebbe is the sixth Rebbe in the direct succession of Kaliver Rebbe’s. He immigrated to the United States as a child shortly after WWII.
His late father Grand Rabbi Menachem Shlomo a Holocaust survivor, rebuilt anew in Brooklyn, New York the Kalever Chasidic group, which had been decimated by the Nazis.
Upon his father’s death in 1978, the present Rebbe assumed the position of Kaliver Rebbe, and under his dynamic leadership the group has enjoyed astounding growth and remarkable success.
In addition to the institutions built by his father, the Rebbe has devoted his life with endless self-sacrifice, to visit and travel all over the globe where there are Jewish communities and high schools, to strengthen them on a communal and individual basis. This outreach goes back to his great-grandfather, the early 19th century Tzadik Reb Eisikal who was the Talmid (student) of the Magid who was the Talmud the Baal Shem Tov (Besh”t) himself, the founder of Chasidism.
The Besh”t in essence, brought this concept of outreach into action, reaching out to the Jew who was not connected to, affiliated with or involved in any Torah institution, and making him feel how special he is to G-d. Hundreds and thousands of Jews from all ages and denominations have been uplifted and motivated by his torah advice and mussar inspirations.
All this was done by the Rebbe, for the last thirty years, while absolutely accepting no money, nor solicitation of any kind.
His mission is solely for the purpose of seeing Yiddishkiet strengthened and sanctified.
The Kaliver Rebbe's Lineage of Dynasty
Grand Rabbi Isaac Taub of Kaliv (1751-1821)
Grand Rabbi Moshe Chaim Taub of Kaliv-Zidichov (d. 1831)—son of Rabbi Isaac, son-in-law of Rabbi Tzvi of Zidichov
Grand Rabbi Shlomo Taub of Kaliv-Rozlo (1820-1879)—son of rabbi Moshe Chaim, son-law of his uncle, Rabbi Yehuda Tzvi Eichenstein of Rozlo
Grand Rabbi Yehuda Tzvi Taub of Kaliv-Rozlo (1849-1886)
Grand Rabbi Moshe Taub of Kaliv (d. 1936)— author of Es Ratzon
Grand Rabbi Menachem Shlomo Taub of Kaliv (1901-1978), author of Chakal Tapuchin
Grand Rabbi Moshe Taub of Kaliv, present Kaliver Rebbe